their lives without their smartphones


Dangerous Technology

Most students can’t imagine their lives without their smartphones and social media. On the one hand, it may seem that there is nothing wrong with it during the era of technology that we live in. However, one find of the recent studies proved that as many as 50% of students wake up in the middle of the night to answer the message they received. Is that a positive feature? Clearly not. 

That very same study proves that disrupted sleep is a poor-quality sleep. Students who do not sleep well are most prone to depression. Wh house at is the way out? The answer is simple – plan your online time and switc business h your smartphone off when you are going to sleep. Trust us, you will not lose anything if you answer that text in the morning, but you will gain a lot if you let yourself rest.

Stimulating Drugs

Well, those who have been there know that college is an adventurous journey, and almost every student tends to give a try to cigarettes, alcohol, and other lighter drugs. Even though these may lead to depression, we are talking about different medical but not less dangerous drug types. 

The fact is that simulative drugs are highly popular among both students as well as their parents. We are not talking about those with satisfactory grades but rather about those who are aiming at excellent grades at all the subjects. 

The truth is that simulative drugs are developed for people with certain conditions, and if you use them just to get through the exams, the downsides will come pouring. One of the main and the worst side-effects that such drugs can cause is, of course, depression. That is why it is best to gather your resources and study rather than put your hopes in a magic pill.



Let’s not forget that there are plenty of personal reasons that can trigger depression. Some students get too homesick, and they can’t get used to life on campus without those they love most. Also, one of the main reasons to feel depressed and left out for students is the unstable financial state or lack of means to follow the others. 

Besides, these days, many students think that they are never going to be good enough to become more successful than their parents. The list can go on. However, we need to figure out what to do about that. The truth is that in most cases, sharing your problems with someone you consider close to you is a great way out. 


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